Tuesday, February 19, 2008

obama vs. clinton

Hello again,
As I have stated in my mission statement for this blog, I will be writing anything, and everything that grabs my attention. My tidbits on here can range from the funny, to personal thoughts, video games, movies, news, stories, or politics. Right now, I would like to write about what I think of the political spectrum, and the two extraordinary exciting contenders on the democratic side, and one misfortunate contender on the Republican side that the mass media has almost complete ignored: Ron Paul.

If I begin to discuss Ron Paul, I would like to let it be known that I am an independent because I believe in voting for the right candidate, with the right charisma, and right idea to venture forth in this great nation. Ron Paul has some very radical ideas, that when thought about you begin to realize that he is not radical at all, and is instead a very collected and logical person. Take the middle eastern conflicts we are waged in right now, and how the world stage is filled with stabs from the east to the west, and so forth. Ron Paul asserts that one of the prime reasons for our current political turmoil in the US, and outside our shores, really go back to the very first coup d'etat that we were lured into by the British. In 1953, the CIA long with MI6 deposed of Mossadegh, a democratically elected prime minister of Iran (Stephen Kinzer). Ron Paul knows this, as do so many other politicians. Only he has the audacity to let it be known. Hence - do I believe he has been all but buried in the mass media. This brings me to another great political contender from the other spectrum - Barack Obama.

The democrats have now lost two elections in a row since the descent and departure of former president Bill Clinton in 2000. The first time around, Al Gore lost in electoral votes, but won in popular vote. I believe that had he not been so wooden in his speech deliverances at the time, and been as charismatic as he showed himself to be in the Oscar winning, Nobel Peace prize winning documentary, An Inconvenient Truth - he may very well have won in 2000. This brings us to 2004, Bush had begun an inevitable war gainst terrorism, and people felt uncomfortable voting for a different candidate during a time of war - hence we got another 4 more years of Bush.

The year is now 2008, and we are faced with one maverick from the Republicans, and a choice between Obama, or Clinton on the Democrats side. Huckabee, although admirable for his stance in continuing the fight, really stands no chance. Clinton, and Obama though, both have the fight of their lives in front of them. What began as a sure win for Clinton, has now turned into a desperate fight to stay in the race for Clinton. Obama has created an amazing momentum, he has won over crowds with his amazing charisma, eloquent speeches, and dynamic energy that has caused youths to talk about politics like never before. Even my younger brothers are excited about Obama.

As for Clinton though, while I respected and admired her husband for his political prowess, I simply cannot see her being a logical choice for the country, let alone the Democratic party. The Republicans truly despise her, or rather the Clinton name. Just think back to Ken Starr, the impeachment trials, or the relentless persecution of Bill (well Monica too). You get the idea. If the Democrats elect her, while she has the "experience" of being a President's wife, and a senator who has voted yes to almost all of the important issues which we and she is critisizing Bush on, combined with a united front of despise from Republicans for the Clinton dynasty. The end result is that they would be handing the general election victory to McCain. While I admire McCain on his tough stance, and speaking for what he believes in, I cannot believe nor see him as the right person for our next president.

This leaves only Obama as the best candidate for the Democratic party, and really as the best candidate for the country. He shares the values of everyone, he carries, and will carry everyone's agenda on his sholders, and he will unite the country, rather than divide the country. He may not be as bold as Ron Paul in his stance for staying politically correct with the Washington lawmakers. but he does stand for change, a change which will bring about prosperity, wealth, better education system, better roads, better economy, and an ability to make things happen because of his universal appeal. Please vote and donate to Obama today. http://www.barackobama.com/

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