Monday, April 28, 2008

busy...but fun weekend!

Wow!  This past weekend was I busy or what!  First off, Amitis and I started off by going to my parents house on Friday.  We had great food, laughed a whole lot too because both my brothers were mocking me along with Amitis for allegedly "checking" myself out in the mirror.  :-).  Then it was revealed by none other than me that Amitis always comes home from working out flexing her triceps and biceps, claiming she has guns and bazookas!  She turned quite beet red when I revealed that fact to my siblings.

I continued the weekend by going to Del Mar beach with my family (Amitis, Boo Boo, and Banoo), where we spent the morning doing a brisk walk.  It was hot, 89º HOT!  So...anyways, Banoo had never been to the beach, so it was an experience seeing her running around, treading in water, running away from it, and spinning around with utter joy.  One can learn a lot from a puppy, because they view the world with such curiosity, such eagerness to smell and taste everything, and to play as much as possible.  We tend to forget these things when we get busy with life.  But, this weekend, Amitis and I did play a lot.  We went to a cafe for breakfast at the beach that allows dogs.  The dishes were fantastic.  Then we did some shopping (essential goods) for the home, only to be followed by a fun, but all too short visit to Corey's house were my co-workers, and new found friends were enjoying themselves.  We later ventured to Bandar for my best friend's birthday (Soroush), and celebrated it there eating loudly, and cheerfully.  The night ended at his and Faraz's house with music and drinking ensuing the dinner.  

The next day, Ami and I got up a little late, drove to L.A., got stuck in traffic, fixed the Internet connection at my father's office, went to Raffi's Restaurant in Glendale for amazing Persian food, and got stuck again on the way back to San Diego.  

Later in the evening, Amitis made a keen observation and said that when we are together alone, venturing out in the world so to speak, we always have fun.  We do not argue, nor do we really have a boring time.  Instead, we find each other very stimulating, both in conversation, and in common interest(s) – such as dining out at great places :-).  She later confessed this had been one of the best weekend for her, and it hit me why.  There was no one to direct us to do things, or anyone attempting to pull our strings, or to have us run errands, or attend to anyone.  It was our very own weekend with laughter, adventure, and food.  I believe this is of essence to everyone, to have their own time for themselves rather than always trying to please others.

Until next time...have an adventure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have no idea how much enjoyed reading that Marshmallow =) I have a smile on my face from ear to ear right now. I LOVE how you used the word "family"...It's just the best feeling to know that two of my loved ones who are so deserving of happiness had such an awesome weekend. Hope you have countless moments of pure joy always =)