Friday, March 14, 2008

life milestones...

It has been a while since I last wrote. I guess, I had writer's block. Nah, I just got lazy I am afraid. One of my very good friends, perhaps my only avid reader has asked when I would post a new blog again. Well, Min Min, request granted!
I have wanted to write about this for a week or so now. I was reflecting back on my own life, where I am, how I am, and what I want to do. I guess, it all began as I woke up on a Monday morning, March 3rd 2008, and realized I was 28! Almost 30! What have I accomplished as a man, a husband, a brother, and son? Was this an early glimpse to what mid life crisis will be like? Or was it simply a way for me to take a step back and look back to what I have done, what I am doing, and what I have in my blue print to do. I realized something in this internal quest of mine. If you do not have a blue print, something to look forward to tomorrow, and the next day, what does your life mean to you? How do we as humans measure our significance in this world? Should we look at the human race collectively and tell ourselves that we are successful for having created marvels such as the Pyramids, the Eiffel Tower, the Internet and such? Or should we go even deeper and look in the mirror, and ask ourselves, what is it you want? I believe the answer is very simple, perhaps too simple for us to realize what it is. The answer is happiness.
I firmly believe that every individual human wants happiness. Some may see this in the form of creating a legacy that will last eternally (Cyrus the Great?), and some want their offspring to look up into their eyes with a gleaming pride in their eyes, and that will be worth everything. People vary in their wants, but one element is universal - the pursuit of happiness.
I once said to a dear friend of mine that life is full of ups and downs, but the fight is worth everything for that one moment of bliss. That one moment of bliss, such as a child being proud of their parents, a woman smiling at their latest composition they have created and loved by one person, or the whole world, or a parent seeing their children being loved by everyone for being so gentle, and kind. This all brings me to a very famous cliche, it is not the goal that counts, but the journey. The more one thinks about it, the more it makes sense. I look at myself, and I know now, more than ever what it is that I want. I have a loving home, a loving wife, the best parents and brothers in the world, the best friends any man can ask for...and yet, I still know there is more I must do. It is not to undermine what I have, but it is to keep what I have. I want my wife to never worry, my parents to be proud of me, I want my reflection to speak pride, and more than anything else, I want my future kids to proud of me as I have been of my parents.
Perhaps I ought to revise that cliche saying, and instead say, life has many milestones, enjoy each journey that you take to reach that milestone, and enjoy planning the next.
Until next time, never stop dreaming, and never ever think that something cannot be done.


Anonymous said...

well done! I like it very much.

Anonymous said...

Akheyshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it's good to have you back =) A few years ago you taught me a valuable lesson I'll never forget and you touched on it here too: You told me that sometimes you can't sit back and let good things slip through your fingers. Instead you HAVE TO FIGHT for what you want and when the dust settles, it'll all be worth it.
Here's to having the courage to fight for our happiness!
Min Min